
patrick pic

According to Patrick…

I’m opinionated. I know what I believe is important and the things that I measure myself against. So I compiled a list of those things…

This list is based on my experience over many years of internships, jobs, startups, working for and learning from some fantastic people, advising friends, and eventually starting a company. I in no way claim to be perfect or even good in any of these areas that I highlight in this list, but these are the things I believe that I should strive to be as good as I can be at.

There are 2 sections to this Beliefs and Foundational Attributes.


Speed is key

Be who you are

Do what you say you are going to do

Seek and communicate clarity

Prioritize ruthlessly

Value and support people

The small things add up

Operate with intellectual honesty

Use your time when not working

Attitude Reflects Leadership

No Ego

Foundational Attributes

Health & Fitness


Self awareness



Thanks for reading over my manifesto. If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to say hello please send me a note at 🤙
